Welcome to
Allied Grain
At Allied Cooperative, we know the challenges you face when it comes to storing and marketing your grain crop. From planting to harvest, we're here to provide the service and support your operation needs to thrive. We handle the following commodities and possess the capacity and flexibility to serve grain producers large and small:
Note: We cannot accept treated soybeans at any of our storage facilities.
Our marketing team understands the grain markets and how to recognize opportunity
We partner with you through the planning, planting, harvesting and marketing stages of your crop production, so our experts can provide the facts you need to help you obtain maximum profitability. We offer several grain marketing programs and services to help you market your grain profitably.
Allied Cooperative has storage facilities in Adams, Auburndale (two locations), Blair (two locations), Hixton, Mauston, Stratford, Seymour, Tomah, West Salem and Wisconsin Rapids. With a total capacity exceeding 17 million bushels, plus additional capacity through our grain bagging system, our facilities are prepared to meet the needs of area producers. Our facilities are here to serve you whether you market your grain through us, or simply need storage for your feeding purposes. Our locations also have grain dryers to help dry the different commodities at harvest, as well as throughout the year.
We work hard to accommodate your crop production and harvest schedules, as well as minimize wait times at the dump pit to get you back to your fields even faster. We also have a transportation division to assist you in transporting your crop from the farm to the elevator as easy as possible.
Are you ready to maximize your farm’s profitability? Call your local Allied Cooperative grain elevator or e-mail us today to learn how we can help.
Local Cash Bids
Symbol | Last | Open | Close | High | Low | Change | |
@C5K | 4.5775 | 4.6450 | 4.5775 | 4.6475 | 4.5700 | -0.0675 | |
@C5N | 4.6525 | 4.7150 | 4.6525 | 4.7200 | 4.6475 | -0.0675 | |
@C5U | 4.4200 | 4.4500 | 4.4200 | 4.4500 | 4.4000 | -0.0300 | |
@S5K | 10.0175 | 10.0700 | 10.0175 | 10.0775 | 9.9825 | -0.0550 | |
@SFN | |||||||
@SFQ | |||||||
@W5K | 5.4325 | 5.4800 | 5.4325 | 5.4950 | 5.4100 | -0.0500 | |
@W5N | 5.5975 | 5.6525 | 5.5975 | 5.6625 | 5.5750 | -0.0550 | |
@W5U | 5.7650 | 5.8125 | 5.7650 | 5.8275 | 5.7425 | -0.0550 | |
Grain Marketing Programs
Our grain department helps you navigate the unpredictable grain market and make educated choices by keeping on top of trends day-in and day-out. We provide the expertise and facts needed to help you develop a solid marketing plan, recognize opportunities and manage your risk to get the most you can for your grain. We offer the following grain marketing programs and services at Allied Cooperative. Click on each type of contract for details.
A commonly used contract where the producer receives a spot price at the time of delivery without having to make prior arrangements.
Allows delivery to any location. Store for a monthly charge that is pro-rated daily. This is a great option for anyone who gets feed with Allied or wants to store bushels to take advantage of future market rallies.
Allows for the producer to lock in a price for a future delivery. It locks in the futures, basis and delivering period, making a great option for producers to establish a preferred new crop selling price.
The initial contract establishes the bushel amount, delivery period, and the futures price. The basis is then locked in before delivery occurs and the contract now becomes a cash contract.
This option allows for an initial contract, which states the bushel amount, delivery period and the corresponding basis to a certain futures month. The futures price will be set later. Grain can be delivered without pricing the contract, but ownership changes at the time of delivery.
This option is used when anticipating favorable market movement, while being protected by a minimum price allowing to safely participate in market movements for future profits.
This option has a set bushel amount, price and delivery period, but the contract will be paid out later, often after the first of the year.
This option is available to anyone with on-the-farm storage who wants to enhance their marketing power through Allied delivering on their contracts.
Utilize Allied’s extensive fleet of trucks and get a forward delivery contract picked up at your farm without having to worry about freight. Pricing will depend upon farm location and loading speeds.
Have a target price in mind? Let Allied watch the markets for you with a good-till-canceled offer to sell a specific amount of bushels during a specific delivery period. If the markets reach your target, you will be locked in to a contract at your target price. This is a staple of every great marketing program.
Allied has access to CHI Compass contracts. These are innovative contracting options that rely on OTC derivatives to manage price risk. They typically will pay a premium to the current cash market for risk in bushels. Click here learn more about the Compass contracts offerings.
Important notice! Allied Cooperative participates in Wisconsin's Agricultural Producer Security program. If we fail to pay you for grain when payment is due, you may file a claim under this program. The program may provide some compensation. However, our "estimated default exposure" exceeds program coverage, and we have not filed security to cover the difference, so compensation may cover only a portion of your loss. For more information, you may contact the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, 2811 Agriculture Drive, PO Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911 (phone 608/224-4498).

Important notice! Allied Cooperative participates in Wisconsin's Agricultural Producer Security program. If we fail to pay you for grain when payment is due, you may file a claim under this program. The program may provide some compensation. However, our "estimated default exposure" exceeds program coverage, and we have not filed security to cover the difference, so compensation may cover only a portion of your loss. For more information, you may contact the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, 2811 Agriculture Drive, PO Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911 (phone 608/224-4498).

Text Message Sign Up
Would you like cash bids sent directly to your mobile device? Sign up here!
Grain Settlement ACH Payments
Save on mail time. Sign-up to receive grain settlement payments deposited directly into your banking account via ACH. Grain Customers with active lien notices are not eligible for ACH payments. Please allow 5 business days for ACH to be in effect.
Grain Policies
Contracted Bushels – Contracted bushels must be delivered within the date range specified on the contract, unless prior approval is given by management. Bushels not delivered by the contract date may be subject to a fee equivalent to any losses incurred on that contract by Allied. This is subject to market conditions.
Contract Buyout – Failure to deliver on a contract will be charged $0.10 per bushel fee in addition to any market loss incurred on the contract by Allied. Allied will not sell bushels to fill underdelivered forward delivery contracts.
Contract Minimums – Current crop year will have no minimum volume requirement. Contracts going beyond new crop bid will have a 5,000-bushel minimum requirement.
Contract Delivery Location – Contracts must be delivered to the location designated on the contract, unless prior approval has been granted by management. If grain is not delivered to the contracted location, it is subject to price change.
HTA Fee – There will be no fee on current market year hedge to arrive contracts. Contracts over one crop year will be charged $0.10 per bushel hedge maintenance fee.
HTA Contracts – If basis has not been established prior to delivery, it will be locked on first day of delivery. HTA contracts may be rolled to a future contract month at a fee of $0.05 per bushel.
Basis Contracts – Basis contract must be priced or rolled 2 days prior to first notice of the futures month. On contracts that are rolled, basis will be adjusted by futures market spread to create equivalent value at the time of roll.
Early Delivery – No early delivery of contracted grain is allowed without prior approval. If grain is delivered early, payment will be made at the originally contracted time.
Spot sales – Spot grain sales over the scale will be priced at the time of delivery with the price indicated on the ticket. If there is no price established at time of delivery and the load was supposed to be sold it will be sold at the time of call indicating sale.
Buying of grain – All sales of grain must be made with authorized grain employees during normal posted business hours. We will not accept emails, texts, or machine messages as sales. Grain sales of over 5,000 bushels will only be allowed during open market hours or can be placed as good till cancelled offers and will not be settled, unless there is a fill in the overnight.
GTC Offers – Good till cancelled market offers are the producer’s obligation to cancel and will be working until contract expiration, or a phone call is received to cancel the offer.
Reserve the Right Pricing – We reserve the right to only price grain only during live markets at the buyer’s discretion.
Scaling Procedures – All inbound loads will be weighed and graded and subject to discount or rejection if they don’t meet quality standards. Loads not designated for sale will be put into grain bank at the end of 7-day grace period. Please provide accurate information to the scale operator concerning owner, split percentages, and application.
Ticket Application – Delivered grain will be applied to oldest contract for the delivery month, starting with priced and HTA contracts. No basis sales, or spot sales will be allowed, until all priced contracts are filled during that delivery period. If all contracts are filled, storage fees will start on date of delivery, unless grain is priced within the 7-day grace period.
Hold / Unapplied – All loads placed on hold will have a 7-day grace period to be sold. All grain not sold after 7 days will be put into grain bank.
Direct Ship Loads – Direct ship loads will use destination weights, grades, and discounts. All loads bought off the farm, if rejected, will be subject to posted spot bid and freight expense if it is dumped at the elevator. On customer hauled bushels Allied will pay within 7 days of turning destination tickets in to appropriate personal for payment.
Billing of Charges – All charges for drying, discounts, and freight will be withheld from grain designated for sale. All grain put into grain bank will be invoiced at the end of the month delivered for drying, discounts, freight, and storage.
Accounts Receivable Policy – We will deduct all grain charges from grain checks as indicated by the current credit department policy regarding accounts receivables.
Treated Seed – Any load with treated seed at the probe, or dump pit will be rejected.
Re-inspection – Loads with obvious grade differences that are observed at unloading are subject to re-inspection and possible rejection.
Grain Bank Charges – All loads designated for grain bank will be billed at a daily rate starting on the date of delivery. The storage rate for the year will be indicated on the annual discount schedule. Bushels that are in grain bank for over one crop year will be subject to the new crop years storage rate. Grain designated for storage must be removed or sold after two (2) years.
Transfer Fee – All loads transferred between two customer accounts will incur a $0.15 per bushel transfer fee charged to the original owner of the bushels.
In Fee – Any dry corn delivered during harvest will be assessed at $0.10 per bushel in fee to go into grain bank. Dry corn loads delivered outside of harvest will not be charged an in fee if they are being used for feed.
Grain bank for feed – Corn delivered outside of harvest designated for grain bank and used for feed must be delivered to grain sites with feed mills. Corn delivered to grain only locations may be subject to a transfer fee.
Load Out Fee – All grain loaded out of grain bank will be charged a load out fee, unless prior agreements were made with management. Load out fees will be published on the annual discount schedule.
Warehouse Receipts – When a warehouse receipt is requested, all discounts and nine months of storage must be paid before the receipt is issued. Warehouse receipts returned before prepaid storage is used will be credited back.
Past Due Accounts – Accounts that are not current and in good standing will not be able to load out grain until account is brought back to current good standing.
Grain Locations & Hours
The contact information and regular hours for our locations are listed below. Please call your location for extended hours during harvest.
Latest Grain News
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Safety Data

The United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) will soon implement new requirements to its Hazardous Communication Standard. One of the new requirements is the inclusion of grain dust as a hazardous chemical under the new standard.
Because the United States Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) now defines grain dust as a hazardous chemical, Allied Cooperative is now considered a chemical manufacturer under federal law. As such, we are required to provide you with the following Safety Data Sheets for the products we deliver to our customers.
Please review the Safety Data Sheets linked below. One sheet is for whole grain products. This provides information for corn, soybean, wheat, oat products and any other non-processed grain product. The other sheet is for feeds. This provides information on mixes of Allied Cooperative's feed for all animals fed, whether it is shipped out in bulk or in bags.
Allied Cooperative would like to assure you that no changes have been made to any of our feed products and that our feed is not hazardous to the animals you are feeding. We are simply complying with the new federal regulations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Safety Department at 608-339-3394, ext. 3320.